From time to time every organisation has assets that it wishes to dispose of, for a variety of reasons. If a factory or workshop has to be cleared by a particular date, we can hold a professional auction on your premises, achieving full market value whilst giving you the confidence of having a clear site by your agreed deadline. We can achieve best value for your assets, no matter what business you may be in. 
Every organisation, at some time in its life, has capital assets that are surplus to their requirements.
Whilst some have undoubtedly reached the end of their useful economic working lives, a great number will have not. We can give you an indication as to whether your surplus assets have value and if they have; the most cost effective method of realising that value. This may be because your product range has changed, you have a desire to raise capital, you wish to upgrade existing equipment, retirement, relocation of premises or even a close-down.
Methods of Disposal
Live Auction
Tender Sale
Private Treaty Bids
Online Auctions
We provide comprehensive targeted email marketing campaigns for our clients, which we design ourselves and send out to our own dealer database of over 67,000 buyers and bespoke databases that we develop best aligned to businesses and asset types. We also have an eBay account for selling individual high end items to the worldwide consumer market, such as Apple Mac Computers and designer clothing and accessories.